The 5th-8th grade students had Ward and Jacky Budweg present to them today about their 33,523 mile bicycle trip around the world. Thank you Ward and Jacky!
over 2 years ago, Emily Schueth
Ward and Jacky Budweg
The 5th-8th grade students had Jim Woodford talk to them about his encounter with Heaven today. Thank you so much Hugeback Johnson Funeral Home for bringing Jim to New Hampton.
over 2 years ago, Emily Schueth
Jim Woodford
We had a great time with Coach Sloth today! He did an amazing job interacting and speaking with our students. If you would still like to purchase a book, there is a form in your child's bag. Please fill this out and send it back tomorrow.
over 2 years ago, Emily Schueth
coach sloth
coach sloth
Coach Sloth
Coach Sloth
Our middle school students are fortunate to have 2 different presentations coming their way on Friday and Monday. This Friday Jim Woodford will be coming to speak to them about his heavenly encounter. Then on Monday, Ward and Jacky Budweg will be speaking to them about their 33,523 mile bicycling adventures. All of these presenters have written books about their experiences.
over 2 years ago, Emily Schueth
What do you do on a rainy day? Play board games and practice Social Skills.
over 2 years ago, Sharon Samec
first grade
first grade
first grade
first grade
Dairy Preparation is underway. We are learning about milk cows and production. Students even enjoyed homemade butter!
over 2 years ago, Dawn Heying
Getting Ready
The 4th grade students participated in track and field day at the CWC today. This day is all about sportsmanship and physical fitness. Thank you to the Tribe Track and Field Committee for putting this day on for all 4th grade students.
over 2 years ago, Emily Schueth
4tg grade track and field
4th track and field
4th track and field
4th track and field
The Soil and Water Conservation donated white spruce trees to all the 4th graders. Thank you to Matt Crayne for delivering these today and talking about trees.
over 2 years ago, Dawn Heying
The countdown is on! One week from today, Author Coach Sloth will be at our school. We are excited for him to visit. Please remember to get your order forms in by next Thursday so that he can sign the books purchased with your child(ren).
over 2 years ago, Emily Schueth
Coach Sloth
The kids had a great time at the ISTEP summit. A huge thank you goes out to Brian McGee, Iowa State University and the parents that made the trip possible. Great memories were made together!
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Knutson
Just half of the ISTEP students from around the state
The girls
Seventh and Eighth grade science students are learning about the structure of DNA. They are learning to identify the four bases and which bases pair together.
over 2 years ago, Shelly McDonald
Building the DNA double helix.
Building the DNA double helix.
Building the DNA double helix
Building the DNA double helix.
The students spent Tuesday afternoon working as team members designing a project using cardboard boxes and tape. The 7th and 8th Graders created box robots. They shared their creations with the preschoolers.
over 2 years ago, Sharon Denner
7th and 8th Graders visited the 4 year olds and shared the robot that they created on Tuesday afternoon.
7th and 8th Graders created box robots.
7th and 8th Graders created box robots.
3rd and 4th Grade Breakfast and Bots challenge was to build a hockey game and program it to make a goal.
over 2 years ago, Shelly McDonald
Post #1: We're thrilled to announce the new app for St. Joseph! It's everything St. Joseph, in your pocket. Download for Android
 Download for iPhone

almost 3 years ago, St. Joseph Community School
This morning, students at Breakfast and Bots had the challenge to build a bowling carnival game.
almost 3 years ago, Shelly McDonald
bowling carnival game
bowling carnival game
bowling carnival game
The 5th and 6th grade students worked on a new concept called For Loops in computer science today. For Loops are "a control flow statment for specifying iterations, which allows code to be executed repeatedly." We learned how this is used by meteorologists and helps wind farms figure out what their output of energy will be each day based on the predicted forcast. They then were able to play a dice game with For Loops involved. During our next lesson we will take what we have learned today and apply it to programming on the computer.
almost 3 years ago, Emily Schueth
for loops
for loops
for loops
April 4-8 was Healthy Kids Week here at St. Joseph School. The Wellness Team planned fun activities each day for the students to enjoy. The week began with Mindful Monday and yoga in the classrooms. On Tuesday, the focus was “Rethink Your Drink.” Wellness students created a display to inform others of the amount of sugar that is in common popular drinks. Unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate for Walking Wednesday. However, Thoughtful Thursday was a huge success with the Penny Wars. In one day students raised $835!!! The money will be donated to the Iowa Organ Donor Organization and Their Fight Is Our Fight 5K. Friday ended with a Stars Wars themed circuit of exercises in the gym. May the Fitness be with you all!!
almost 3 years ago, Shelly McDonald
Mindful Monday
Mindful Monday with Yoga
Rethink Your Drink
Star Wars Circuit exercises
The Purple Cord Service Project was created to encourage and recognize students their 8th grade year for service to our church, community, and school throughout their time at St. Joseph School. Students that choose to participate can begin their 80 hours of service at the end of their 4th grade year until April of their 8th grade year. Those students that accomplish the service hours will be awarded purple recognition cords at 8th grade graduation as well as a monetary scholarship upon high school graduation. How much of your donation goes to the students? 100% of every dollar raised will be invested into a Scholarship Fund to provide EVERY student who completes their service hours a monetary scholarship at their high school graduation.
almost 3 years ago, St. Joseph Community School
Purple Cord
Hello Families, You are invited to attend the Northeast Iowa Family STEM Festival on Thursday, April 28 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Regents Center at Luther College in Decorah. The festival is free and open to students and their families. The goals of the festival are to promote, inspire and engage youth in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) activities and to introduce children and parents to STEM careers in their local communities. If you are interested in attending, make sure to print the registration form that was sent to all Seesaw accounts this morning.
almost 3 years ago, Emily Schueth
STEM Festival
The Iowa Students for Tobacco Education and Prevention (ISTEP) group presented the dangers of tobacco use to the PreK-6th grades at St. Joes. The ISTEP group of 13 picked a grade and worked hard at finding age appropriate material to get their message about the dangers of tobacco use across to those students. The ISTEP students did a fantastic job of presenting this information to the lower grades in a fun and informative manner. We also were very fortunate to have Chief Nosbisch talk to all of our students about personal safety. Thank you Chief Nosbisch! The kids love seeing you in the building!!
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Knutson
Chief Nosbisch talking to our Preschoolers about public safety.
Cecilia and Cristal using Mr. Grossmouth to show the Kindergarteners the effects of smoking on your mouth.
Chief Nosbisch answering questions from the 1st  graders.
Kevyn and Liam talking to the 2nd graders about the effects of tobacco products on your body.