Mrs. Heying's Family Group

Family groups have been a long tradition at St. Joseph Community School. Family Groups were first established to create a family atmosphere amongst the students of all grade levels and staff. When students begin school as a kindergartener, he/she is placed with a Family Group teacher. A Family Group teacher includes all classroom teachers as well as support teachers, and administration. The kindergartener will join other students from first grade through eighth grade that have already been a part of that Family Group. As a new student of St. Joseph Community School, that kindergartener is given the opportunity to meet other students from a variety of grade levels. Family Groups meet monthly and complete a variety of activities that center on faith, social emotional learning, and service.

In October, students learned that together we make a family, and that no matter what, students are here to support each other and be each others #1 Fan! In November, the activity centered around emotions. Students learned how important it is to understand the many emotions we can feel and how we can help each other through those emotions. In December, Family Groups celebrated Christmas by watching the traditional movie of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer while enjoying a treat. Students discussed how the story could have been different if the characters would have put others first. The lesson continued with a service project aimed at thinking of others during the Christmas Season. Students colored pictures that were mailed to the nonprofit organization Color a Smile which distributes cheerful drawings to senior citizens, troops overseas, and anyone in need of a smile. At the end of our Christmas celebration, Family Groups played games and enjoyed time together.

First semester activities gave all involved a wonderful opportunity to learn from one another, help one another, and have fun with one another. Family groups are just another reminder that what matters most is Our Faith, Our School, Our FAMILY.