LEGO Robotics & Coding

St. Joseph School was awarded a McElroy Grant through the Keystone Area Education Agency in the amount of $1800. The money will be used to purchase LEGO robotics equipment to begin the Breakfast and Bots Club. Breakfast and Bots is a program for kids in grades 3-8 This will be a before school club that students can choose to be a part of. When students arrive at school there will be a grab and go breakfast provided for them which they will take with them while they work on their robot projects. Breakfast and Bots will continue to enrich the technology curriculum of coding which is first introduced in kindergarten during Hour of Code. Breakfast and Bots provides safe learning environments where students can learn from one another without the pressure of a grade or homework assignment. This program will teach students about the world around them, as well as open up new and exciting opportunities in the field of science and more specifically: robotics.